Create special Matrix in mathematica
A[n_Integer?Positive] := DiagonalMatrix[Range[n], 1, n + 1]
A /@ Range[2, 4]//Column
You can also use SparseArray
+ Band
sA[n_] := SparseArray[Band[{1, 2}, Automatic] -> Range@n, n + {1, 1}]
sA /@ Range[2, 4] // Map[MatrixForm] // Row
The following approach is easily adapted to other cases. (But Bob Hanlon's answer is the right one for the original question.)
makeMat[n_] := With[{
zeros = ConstantArray[0, {n, n}],
rules = (Rule[{#, 1 + #}, #] &) /@ Range[n - 1]
ReplacePart[zeros, rules]]