Create Sub folder in S3 Bucket?
After Googling for 2 hours, this CLI Command worked for me:
aws s3api put-object --bucket root-bucket-name --key new-dir-name/
Windows bat file example:
SET today=%Date:~-10,2%%Date:~-7,2%%Date:~-4,4%
aws s3api put-object --bucket root-backup-sets --key %today%/
If local file is foo.txt
, and remote "folder" Year
does not yet exist, then to create it, just put the file at the designated path:
$ aws s3 cp foo.txt s3://bigdata/Year/ --recursive
Or if local folder is YearData
containing foo.txt
, bar.txt
$ aws s3 cp YearData s3://bigdata/Year/ --recursive
upload: YearData/foo.txt to s3://bigdata/Year/foo.txt
upload: YearData/bar.txt to s3://bigdata/Year/bar.txt
See also:
- and first,
Use the below syntax, this is what I am using to create bucket and subfolders. Don't forget the "/" at end of the folder name.
aws s3api put-object --bucket <your-bucket-name> --key <folder-name>/test.txt --body yourfile.txt