createBitmap --- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: x must be < bitmap.width()

Bitmap resultBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(sourceBitmap, 0, 0,
        sourceBitmap.getWidth() - 1, sourceBitmap.getHeight() - 1);

Like in lists, it starts from 0, so width must be bitmap width - 1.

No, not x must be < bitmap.width(). It says x + width must be <= bitmap.width().

You are creating a Bitmap like so:

Bitmap.createBitmap(source, 60, 0, 480, 260); // 320 - 60 = 260

Basically, you are drawing from x = 60, y = 0 to x = 480 + 60, y = 260 on a Bitmap which is only 480x320. Obviously, this is not possible, since your x coordinate is off the Bitmap.

It's hard to tell you how to fix this without knowing your exact use case. Basically, your source image has to fit within { x1: x, x2: x + width, y1: y, y2: y + height }.

If you only want to draw from the 60th pixel onward, then you need to do this:

Bitmap.createBitmap(source, vListView.getWidth(), 0, width - vListView.getWidth(), height - hListView.getHeight());