Creating a 3D flip animation in Android using XML

Here is the answer, though it only works with 3.0 and above.

1) Create a new resources folder called "animator".

2) Create a new .xml file which I will call "flipping". Use the following xml code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<objectAnimator xmlns:android=""
    android:valueFrom="0" android:valueTo="360" android:propertyName="rotationY" >

No, the objectAnimator tags do not start with an uppercase "O".

3) Start the animation with the following code:

ObjectAnimator anim = (ObjectAnimator) AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(mContext, R.animator.flipping); 
anim.setTarget(A View Object reference goes here i.e. ImageView);

I got all this from here.

Since the answers to this question are fairly dated, here is a more modern solution relying on ValueAnimators. This solution implements a true, visually appealing 3D-flip, because it not just flips the view, but also scales it while it is flipping (this is how Apple does it).

First we set up the ValueAnimator:

mFlipAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f);
mFlipAnimator.addUpdateListener(new FlipListener(frontView, backView));

And the corresponding update listener:

public class FlipListener implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener {

    private final View mFrontView;
    private final View mBackView;
    private boolean mFlipped;

    public FlipListener(final View front, final View back) {
        this.mFrontView = front;
        this.mBackView = back;

    public void onAnimationUpdate(final ValueAnimator animation) {
        final float value = animation.getAnimatedFraction();
        final float scaleValue = 0.625f + (1.5f * (value - 0.5f) * (value - 0.5f));

        if(value <= 0.5f){
            this.mFrontView.setRotationY(180 * value);
        } else {
            this.mBackView.setRotationY(-180 * (1f- value));

    private void setStateFlipped(boolean flipped) {
        mFlipped = flipped;
        this.mFrontView.setVisibility(flipped ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);
        this.mBackView.setVisibility(flipped ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE);

That's it!

After this setup you can flip the views by calling


and reverse the flip by calling


If you want to check if the view is flipped, implement and call this function:

private boolean isFlipped() {
    return mFlipAnimator.getAnimatedFraction() == 1;

You can also check if the view is currently flipping by implementing this method:

private boolean isFlipping() {
    final float currentValue = mFlipAnimator.getAnimatedFraction();
    return (currentValue < 1 && currentValue > 0);

You can combine the above functions to implement a nice function to toggle the flip, depending on if it is flipped or not:

private void toggleFlip() {
    } else {

That's it! Simple and easy. Enjoy!