Creating a complex fishbone diagram
With a little bit of work one create a macro \subbranch
, such that for example
makes a subbranch belonging to the met
branch, starting 2cm from the spine, with the label foobar
, placed above the branch (-1
would place it below the branch), having the leaves a,b,c,d
It's quite possible that better/easier interfaces could be defined, but this may serve as an example at least.
\usepackage[left=32.5mm, right=25mm, top=25mm, bottom=20mm, showframe]{geometry}
\definecolor{mgelb}{RGB}{255, 187, 0}
\definecolor{mblau}{RGB}{10, 59, 104}
\definecolor{mturkis}{RGB}{0, 171, 183}
\definecolor{mrot}{RGB}{255, 70, 70}
\definecolor{mgrun}{RGB}{41, 175, 0}
\definecolor{mlila}{RGB}{136, 55, 155}
\definecolor{mgrau1}{RGB}{230, 230, 230}
% first some setup:
% a counter to get the total number of "leaves" on the subbranches
% two dimensions to save some x-coordinates
% a length to set the separation between the leaves
% an angle defining the offset of the branches from vertical
%then define a macro to draw a subbranch
% arguments:
% #1 optional, not currently used
% #2 name of branch node (e.g. met, mes, etc. for your case)
% #3 distance along branch from center
% #4 text for label of subbranch
% #5 +1 or -1, defines if the subbranch is above or below the branch
% #6 list of leaves
%count the number of leaves, save value in \NoElem
\foreach [count=\i] \j in {#6}{\stepcounter{ListCounter}}
% now calculate some values to determine branch length and angles:
% \LabelAngle defines whether the branch label goes above or below the end of the line
% \StemLength is the length of the subbranch, depends on the leaf separation and number of leaves
\pgfmathsetlengthmacro{\StemLength}{(\NoElem + 1) * \LeafSeparation}
% extract x-coord of horizontal center of diagram (bq-node)
% extract x-coord of the branch node
% define the position of the leaves
\pgfmathsetmacro\LeafAngle{ifthenelse(sign(\XMid-\XBranch)<0, 0, 180)}
% now draw the branch
\draw [<-, shorten <=0.8pt, #2]
\p1=(#2), \p2=(bq.north), \n1={sign(\x2-\x1)}, \n2={#5*90 + #5*\n1*\SubBranchSlant}
($(#2-|bq)!#3!(#2)$) coordinate (a) --
++(\n2:\StemLength) coordinate[label={[align=center]\LabelAngle:#4}] (b);
% finally add the leaves
\foreach [count=\i] \t in {#6}
\draw [Stealth-] ($(a)!\LeafSeparation*\i!(b)$) -- ++(\LeafAngle:12pt) node[anchor=\LeafAngle+180] {\t};
\begin{tikzpicture}[->, remember picture,
% for convenience, define styles with the same names as the node
% names used for the branch nodes. The styles only have the color
% of the branches
met/.style={mturkis}, mes/.style={mrot}, men/.style={mlila},
mas/.style={mgelb}, mit/.style={mblau}, mat/.style={mgrun}
\begin{scope}[every node/.style={font=\small}]
\node (bq) [anchor=south, yshift=13pt+\abovecaptionskip, rectangle, draw, fill=mgrau1] at (current page text area.south) {Bauteilqualität};
\foreach [count=\i] \leftnode/\nodelabel in {Methode/met/,Messung/mes,Mensch/men}
\node[right, \nodelabel] (\nodelabel) at
($(current page text area.north west)!0.25*\i!(bq.north -| current page text area.west)$) {\leftnode};
\foreach [count=\i] \leftnode/\nodelabel in {Maschine/mas,Mitwelt/mit,Material/mat}
\node[left, \nodelabel] (\nodelabel) at
($(current page text area.north east)!0.25*\i!(bq.north -| current page text area.east)$) {\leftnode};
\draw[ultra thick] (current page text area.north) -- (bq);
\foreach \nd in {met,mes,men,mas,mit,mat}
\draw[very thick, \nd, shorten >=0.8pt] (\nd) -- (\nd -| bq);
\caption{Test caption for vertical spacing}
As it happens, I have been working on a similar format, which I have extended to address this question. The code, though extensive, is relatively straightforward and commented.
%% How many entries
%% Formats the text of the heads used on the spines
\linespread{0.8}\selectfont%Tighten line spacing in multiline heads
%% Sets up the angle and spacing of the elements on the ribs:
\NewDocumentCommand{\setscale}{mm}{% 1=scale; 2=angle
%% |=====8><-----| %%
%% For the following 4 macros: Optional argument is for options: spinecolor=<a defined color> and
%% xmoveit and ymoveit are used to move the spines horizontally and vertically.
%% The first mandatory argument is a comma-separated list of the elements on the spine; if
%% there are textual commas in the elements, those commas must be hidden with braces {,}.
%% The second mandatory argument is the heading of the spine -- see examples below.
%% Note that spinecolor, once changed, stays in effect until changed again.
%% Note, too, that the effect of ymove, once changed, remains in effect until it is reset.
\NewDocumentCommand{\rldmakespine}{O{}mm}{%% Right to left, headed down
\foreach \N [count=\M from 1] in {#2}
\node[anchor=west,inner xsep=0pt,xshift=10pt] (X) at (\M*\xdiff,\M*\ydiff)
\draw[thick,-{Stealth[]}] (X.west) -- ++(-8pt,0);
\draw[ultra thick,{Stealth[]}-,\spinecolor] (0,0) --
\node[anchor=south,above =3pt of head,\spinecolor]{\makehead{#3}};
\NewDocumentCommand{\lrdmakespine}{O{}mm}{%% Spine left to right, headed down
\foreach \N [count=\M from 1] in {#2}
\node[anchor=east,inner xsep=0pt,xshift=-10pt] (X) at (-\M*\xdiff,\M*\ydiff)
\draw[thick,-{Stealth[]}] (X.east) -- ++(8pt,0);
\draw[{Stealth[]}-,ultra thick,\spinecolor] (0,0) --
\node[anchor=south,above =3pt of head,\spinecolor]{\makehead{#3}};
\NewDocumentCommand{\rlumakespine}{O{}mm}{%% Spine right to left, headed up
\foreach \N [count=\M from 1] in {#2}
\node[anchor=west,inner xsep=0pt,xshift=10pt] (X) at (\M*\xdiff,-\M*\ydiff)
\draw[thick,-{Stealth[]}] (X.west) -- ++(-8pt,0);
\draw[{Stealth[]}-,ultra thick,\spinecolor] (0,0) --
\node[anchor=north,below =3pt of head,\spinecolor]{\makehead{#3}};
\NewDocumentCommand{\lrumakespine}{O{}mm}{%% Spine left to right, headed up
\foreach \N [count=\M from 1] in {#2}
\node[anchor=east,inner xsep=0pt,xshift=-10pt] (X) at (-\M*\xdiff,-\M*\ydiff)
\draw[thick,-{Stealth[]}] (X.east) -- ++(8pt,0);
\draw[{Stealth[]}-,ultra thick,\spinecolor] (0,0) --
\node[anchor=north,below =3pt of head,\spinecolor]{\makehead{#3}};
%% |=====8><-----| %%
%% Set default
%% Major vertical central rule
\draw[ultra thick,-{Stealth[]}] (0,2in) -- (0,-6in)node[anchor=north,draw,thick,fill=lightgray] {Bauteilqualit\"at};
%% Major horizontal rules (the backbone)
\draw[-{Stealth[]},ultra thick,cyan] (-2.5in,0)node[anchor=east]{Methode} -- (-0.05in,0);
\draw[{Stealth[]}-,ultra thick,yellow!80!red](0.05in,0) -- (2.5in,0)node[anchor=west] {Maschine};
%% Ribs
\rldmakespine[xmoveit=0.2in,ymoveit=2pt,spinecolor=yellow!80!red]{A,B,C,D}{Spine 1R}
\rldmakespine[xmoveit=.65in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I{,} next}{Spine 2R} %% Note hidden comma {,}
\rldmakespine[xmoveit=1.8in]{max. Temperature,Anzahl Elemente,Regelstagilit\"at,Homogenit\"at,Anordnung,Isolierung,Leistung}{Heizsystem\\und mehr}
\lrdmakespine[xmoveit=-0.2in,ymoveit=2pt,spinecolor=cyan]{1,2,3,4,5,6}{Spine 1L}
\lrdmakespine[xmoveit=-.6in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I}{Spine 2L}
\lrdmakespine[xmoveit=-1.5in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I,J}{Spine 3L}
\rlumakespine[xmoveit=0.2in,ymoveit=-2pt,spinecolor=yellow!80!red]{1,2,3,4,5,6}{Spine 1}
\rlumakespine[xmoveit=1in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I}{Spine 2}
\rlumakespine[xmoveit=2in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I,J}{Spine 3}
\lrumakespine[xmoveit=-0.2in,spinecolor=cyan]{1,2,3,4,5,6}{Spine 1}
\lrumakespine[xmoveit=-1in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I}{Spine 2}
\lrumakespine[xmoveit=-2in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I,J}{Spine 3}
%% Major horizontal rules (the backbone)
\draw[-{Stealth[]},ultra thick,red!70!yellow] (-2.5in,0)node[anchor=east]{Messung} -- (-0.05in,0);
\draw[{Stealth[]}-,ultra thick,blue!70!black](0.05in,0) -- (2.5in,0)node[anchor=west] {Mitwelt};
%% Ribs
\rldmakespine[xmoveit=0.2in,ymoveit=2pt,spinecolor=blue!70!black]{1,2,3,4,5,6}{Spine 1R}
\rldmakespine[xmoveit=.7in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I}{Spine 2R}
\rldmakespine[xmoveit=1.5in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I,J}{Spine 3R}
\lrdmakespine[xmoveit=-.2in,spinecolor=red!70!yellow]{1,2,3,4,5,6}{Spine 1L}
\lrdmakespine[xmoveit=-.7in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I}{Spine 2L}
\lrdmakespine[xmoveit=-1.25in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I,J}{Spine 3L}
\rlumakespine[xmoveit=0.2in,ymoveit=-2pt,spinecolor=blue!70!black]{1,2,3,4,5,6}{Spine 1}
\rlumakespine[xmoveit=1in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I}{Spine 2}
\rlumakespine[xmoveit=2in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I,J}{Spine 3\\u.s.w.}
\lrumakespine[xmoveit=-.2in,spinecolor=red!70!yellow]{1,2,3,4,5,6}{Spine 1}
\lrumakespine[xmoveit=-1in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I}{Spine 2}
\lrumakespine[xmoveit=-2in]{A,B,C,D,E,F, G,H,I,J}{Spine 3}