Creating a list with Thread

The easiest way to achieve this is with MapIndexed:

  {#2[[1]], #1} &,

{{{1, 11}, {1, 21}, {1, 31}}, {{2, 12}, {2, 22}, {2, 32}}, {{3, 13}, {3, 23}, {3, 33}}}

MapIndexed[Thread @ {First @ #2, #} &] @ aaah
{{{1, 11}, {1, 21}, {1, 31}},
{{2, 12}, {2, 22}, {2, 32}}, 
{{3, 13}, {3, 23}, {3, 33}}}

I think that the most natural way of doing this is by using MapIndexed. But if you want to use Range and Thread, this is one way:

{{11, 21, 31}, {12, 22, 32}, {13, 23, 33}} //
  {Length /* Range, Identity} //
  Through //
  Thread //