Creating an associative array in JavaScript using the map function

You're looking for a group-by method. This question has a nice answer:

The code:

function groupBy(array, f)
  var groups = {};
    var group = JSON.stringify(f(o));
    groups[group] = groups[group] || [];
  return Object.keys(groups).map(function(group)
    return groups[group];

var result = groupBy(list, function(item)
  return [item.lastname, item.age];

To your specific question:

// Let x hold your array of objects.

res={}; // Create an empty object that will hold the answer

x.forEach (function (e) { // Use this function to iterate over each item in the list
    res[e.list] = res[e.list] || [];   // inspired by the Nina Scholz answer below
    res[e.list].push(e.item);   // Append the result to the array

You may use Array.prototype.reduce for your task. It allows a return value in the callback function for the next call.

var data = [
        { 'list': 'one', 'item': 1 },
        { 'list': 'one', 'item': 2 },
        { 'list': 'one', 'item': 3 },
        { 'list': 'two', 'item': 1 },
        { 'list': 'two', 'item': 2 }
    flat = data.reduce(function (r, a) {
        r[a.list] = r[a.list] || [];
        return r;
    }, {});

document.write('<pre>' + JSON.stringify(flat, 0, 4) + '</pre>');