Creating file names automatically C++

You can get a const char* from an std::string by using the c_str member function.

std::string s = ...;
const char* c = s.c_str();

If you don't want to use std::string (maybe you don't want to do memory allocations) then you can use snprintf to create a formatted string:

#include <cstdio>
char buffer[16]; // make sure it's big enough
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "file_%d.txt", n);

n here is the number in the filename.

 for(int i=0; i!=n; ++i) {
     //create name
     std::string name="file_" + std::to_string(i) + ".txt"; // C++11 for std::to_string 
     //create file
     std::ofstream file(name);
     //if not C++11 then std::ostream file(name.c_str());
     //then do with file

... another way to bulid the filename

#include <sstream>

int n = 3;
std::ostringstream os;
os << "file_" << n << ".txt";

std::string s = os.str();