Creating the Singleton design pattern in PHP5
* Singleton class
final class UserFactory
private static $inst = null;
// Prevent cloning and de-serializing
private function __clone(){}
private function __wakeup(){}
* Call this method to get singleton
* @return UserFactory
public static function Instance()
if ($inst === null) {
$inst = new UserFactory();
return $inst;
* Private ctor so nobody else can instantiate it
private function __construct()
To use:
$fact = UserFactory::Instance();
$fact2 = UserFactory::Instance();
$fact == $fact2;
$fact = new UserFactory()
Throws an error.
See to understand static variable scopes and why setting static $inst = null;
Unfortunately Inwdr's answer breaks when there are multiple subclasses.
Here is a correct inheritable Singleton base class.
class Singleton
private static $instances = array();
protected function __construct() {}
protected function __clone() {}
public function __wakeup()
throw new Exception("Cannot unserialize singleton");
public static function getInstance()
$cls = get_called_class(); // late-static-bound class name
if (!isset(self::$instances[$cls])) {
self::$instances[$cls] = new static;
return self::$instances[$cls];
Test code:
class Foo extends Singleton {}
class Bar extends Singleton {}
echo get_class(Foo::getInstance()) . "\n";
echo get_class(Bar::getInstance()) . "\n";