Creating the Twitter verified badge using TikZ
If you want the logo to be exactly the same, you can use the SVG original (which is a single path image) with the svg.path
twitter verified/.pic={
\fill[scale=.01cm/1pt,twitter,#1] svg{M50-2.4a19 19 0 0 1-10 17.2l.9 6.6a19 19 0 0 1-18 19.1c-2.4 0-4.8 0-6.7-1.5-2.9 6.7-9 11-16.2 11s-13.3-4.8-16.2-11c-2.4 1-4.3 1.4-6.7 1.5a19 19 0 0 1-18-19.1c0-2.4 0-4.8 .9-6.6a19 19 0 0 1-10-17.2 19 19 0 0 1 9.5-16.6v-2.4a19 19 0 0 1 17.6-19.1c2.4 0 4.8 0 6.7 1.5 2.9-6.7 9-11 16.2-11s13.3 4.8 16.2 11c2.4-1 4.3-1.4 6.7-1.5a19 19 0 0 1 18 21.5 19 19 0 0 1 9.1 16.6zm-31.4 15.7-20.5-30.9a3.3 3.3 0 0 0-4.8-1l-.9 .5-11.4 11.4a3.4 3.4 0 1 0 4.7 4.8l8.6-8.1 18.1 27.6a3.8 3.8 0 0 0 6.2-4.3z};
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=4,transform shape]
\pic{twitter verified};
\pic[scale=.7] at (1,0) {twitter verified=purple};
Note: The path was adapted following my favorite workflow for logos.
You can use cloud
from the shapes
You create a \node[cloud]
, specify the number of cloud puffs
(8, from your picture), and the cloud puff arc
(135° looked right to me).
I added line join=round
to the tick to make the lower part be rounded.
Also, I changed the color a bit and changed the syntax of the command to allow the optional argument to be optional.
\node [draw,fill,twitblue,cloud,cloud puffs=8,cloud puff arc=135, inner sep={#1*0.4ex}] {};
\draw [white,scale=0.1,line cap=round,line width={#1*0.2mm},line join=round](-.4,-.05) -- (-.1,-.3) -- (.4,.4);
\textbf{Twitter Verified} \verified[0.5]
\textbf{Twitter Verified} \verified
\textbf{Twitter Verified} \verified[2]
\textbf{Twitter Verified} \verified[5]
Here is a font solution, without TikZ.
- Grab the original SVG file (for example from here).
- Go to Fontello and drag the SVG file inside. Then select this new icon.
- Chose an unicode symbol : I chosed 'CHECK MARK' (U+2713).
Grab the hex code (in my case
) and put it as a code for this icon in the "Customize codes" tab. - Set the font name to "twitterverified". Download the font (a zip file). Extract the
to the same folder as your tex file. Use this font, for example like this with XeLaTeX.
\documentclass[varwidth,border=7pt]{standalone} \usepackage{fontspec} \newfontfamily{\TwitterVerified}{twitterverified.ttf} \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{twitter}{HTML}{1DA1F2} \begin{document} \textbf{\textsf{Twitter Verified}} \textcolor{twitter}{\TwitterVerified ✓} \end{document}