Custom allocators as alternatives to vector of smart pointers?

If you are able to treat thing as a value type, do so. It simplifies things, you don't need a smart pointer for circumventing the pointer/reference invalidation issue. The latter can be tackled differently:

  • If new thing instances are inserted via push_front and push_back during the program, use std::deque instead of std::vector. Then, no pointers or references to elements in this container are invalidated (iterators are invalidated, though - thanks to @odyss-jii for pointing that out). If you fear that you heavily rely on the performance benefit of the completely contiguous memory layout of std::vector: create a benchmark and profile.
  • If new thing instances are inserted in the middle of the container during the program, consider using std::list. No pointers/iterators/references are invalidated when inserting or removing container elements. Iteration over a std::list is much slower than a std::vector, but make sure this is an actual issue in your scenario before worrying too much about that.

There is no single right answer to this question, since it depends a lot on the exact access patterns and desired performance characteristics.

Having said that, here is my recommendation:

Continue storing the data contiguously as you are, but do not store aliasing pointers to that data. Instead, consider a safer alternative (this is a proven method) where you fetch the pointer based on an ID right before using it -- as a side-note, in a multi-threaded application you can lock attempts to resize the underlying store whilst such a weak reference lives.

So your consumer will store an ID, and will fetch a pointer to the data from the "store" on demand. This also gives you control over all "fetches", so that you can track them, implement safety measure, etc.

void consumer::foo() {
    thing *t = m_thing_store.get(m_thing_id);
    if (t) {
        // do something with t

Or more advanced alternative to help with synchronization in multi-threaded scenario:

void consumer::foo() {
    reference<thing> t = m_thing_store.get(m_thing_id);
    if (!t.empty()) {
        // do something with t

Where reference would be some thread-safe RAII "weak pointer".

There are multiple ways of implementing this. You can either use an open-addressing hash table and use the ID as a key; this will give you roughly O(1) access time if you balance it properly.

Another alternative (best-case O(1), worst-case O(N)) is to use a "reference" structure, with a 32-bit ID and a 32-bit index (so same size as 64-bit pointer) -- the index serves as a sort-of cache. When you fetch, you first try the index, if the element in the index has the expected ID you are done. Otherwise, you get a "cache miss" and you do a linear scan of the store to find the element based on ID, and then you store the last-known index value in your reference.