Custom converter for Retrofit 2
I found @JCarlos solution to be precise, quick and correct. I needed to implement custom Date converter for Retrofit 2 on Android. It seems that you need to register a new type serializer in GSonConverterFactory. Implementation is done in Kotlin lang.
class RetrofitDateSerializer : JsonSerializer<Date> {
override fun serialize(srcDate: Date?, typeOfSrc: Type?, context: JsonSerializationContext?): JsonElement? {
if (srcDate == null)
return null
val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss")
val formatted = dateFormat.format(srcDate)
return JsonPrimitive(formatted)
and the registration:
private fun buildGsonConverterFactory(): GsonConverterFactory {
val gsonBuilder = GsonBuilder()
// Custom DATE Converter for Retrofit
gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(, RetrofitDateSerializer())
return GsonConverterFactory.create(gsonBuilder.create())
@Provides @Singleton
internal fun providesRetrofit(applicationContext: Context): Retrofit {
return Retrofit.Builder()
I was looking for a simple example about how to implement a custom converter for Retrofit 2. Unfortunately found none.
I found this example but, at least for me, it's too complicated for my purpose.
Happilly, I found a solution.
This solution is to use GSON deserializers
We don't need to create a custom converter, we just have to customize the GSON converter
Here is a great tutorial. And here is the code I used to parse the JSON described in my question:
Login Deserializer: Defines how to parse the JSON as an object of our target class (using conditionals and whatever we need).
Custom GSON converter: Builds a GSON converter that uses our custom deserializer.