custom marker for vue2-google-maps

Just in case if you like to scale the size of the custom marker to look better in retina screen:

in <template>

  v-for="(m, index) in markers"
  :icon="markerOptions" />

in script

const mapMarker = require('~/assets/images/layout/map-marker.png');
data() {
  return {
    markerOptions: {
      url: mapMarker,
      size: {width: 60, height: 90, f: 'px', b: 'px',},
      scaledSize: {width: 30, height: 45, f: 'px', b: 'px',},

You need to load the image in this case, like this:

:icon="{ url: require('../../assets/img/marker-a.png')}"

An example:

  v-for="(m, index) in markers"
  :icon="{ url: require('../../assets/img/marker-a.png')}" />