Custom title page in report or book class?
This is the extreme abuse of features provided by LaTex. This should serve as a model and the length parameters can be changed as per personal needs.
\title{\bfseries {\sc\textcolor{title}{The title of your report goes here and \\ this is the second line}}}
\author{\textcolor{other}{Thesis submitted to} \\[5pt]
\emph{\textcolor{other}{Your University}}\\[2cm]
\textcolor{other}{in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree
of} \\[2cm]
\textsc{\Large{\textcolor{phd}{Doctor of Philosophy}}} \\[5pt]
\textcolor{other}{in some subject} \vspace{0.4cm} \\[1in]
\textcolor{other}{By}\\[5pt] {\Large \sc \textcolor{name}{Me}}
\textcolor{other}{Department of Subject}\\[5pt]
\textcolor{other}{Address line -- 2}\\[5pt]
\textcolor{other}{Address line -- 4,
\textcolor{other}{April 2011}}}
Option -- 2
One can simply use titlepage
as an alternative. Here we don't use \title
and \author
but everything is done manually.
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
{\huge\bfseries The title of your report goes here and \\ this is the second line\\}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
{\Large\bfseries Author -- 1}\\[5pt]\\[14pt]
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
{Thesis submitted to} \\[5pt]
\emph{{Your University}}\\[2cm]
{in partial fulfilment for the award of the degree
of} \\[2cm]
\textsc{\Large{{Doctor of Philosophy}}} \\[5pt]
{in some subject} \vspace{0.4cm} \\[2cm]
% {By}\\[5pt] {\Large \sc {Me}}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
{Department of Subject}\\[5pt]
{Address line -- 2}\\[5pt]
{Address line -- 4,
{April 2011}
% ----------------------------------------------------------------
The above answer summarizes it all. However, here is another simpler cover page, which one can easily comprehend-
\usepackage[top=1.2in, bottom=1.2in]{geometry}
Internship Project Report\\
\textbf{\huge The Title of Image Comes Here}\\[0.5cm]
\textit{Submitted by}
\textbf{\large Your Name}
\textbf{\large Other Details}
\textnormal{\large Department \\ Institute Name\\ Location\\ Date}