Cycle through list starting at a certain element

I'm not such a big fan of importing modules when you can do things by your own in a couple of lines. Here's my solution without imports:

def cycle(my_list, start_at=None):
    start_at = 0 if start_at is None else my_list.index(start_at)
    while True:
        yield my_list[start_at]
        start_at = (start_at + 1) % len(my_list)

This will return an (infinite) iterator looping your list. To get the next element in the cycle you must use the next statement:

>>> it1 = cycle([101,102,103,104])
>>> next(it1), next(it1), next(it1), next(it1), next(it1)
(101, 102, 103, 104, 101) # and so on ...
>>> it1 = cycle([101,102,103,104], start_at=103)
>>> next(it1), next(it1), next(it1), next(it1), next(it1)
(103, 104, 101, 102, 103) # and so on ...

Use the arithmetic mod operator. Suppose you're starting from position k, then k should be updated like this:

k = (k + 1) % len(l)

If you want to start from a certain element, not index, you can always look it up like k = l.index(x) where x is the desired item.

Look at itertools module. It provides all the necessary functionality.

from itertools import cycle, islice, dropwhile

L = [1, 2, 3, 4]

cycled = cycle(L)  # cycle thorugh the list 'L'
skipped = dropwhile(lambda x: x != 4, cycled)  # drop the values until x==4
sliced = islice(skipped, None, 10)  # take the first 10 values

result = list(sliced)  # create a list from iterator


[4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1]

import itertools as it
l = [1, 2, 3, 4]
list(it.islice(it.dropwhile(lambda x: x != 4, it.cycle(l)),  10))
# returns: [4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1]

so the iterator you want is:

it.dropwhile(lambda x: x != 4, it.cycle(l))



