D3 Crossfilter basic example

I came across a GREAT library which would do this for me.


The best "very basic" example for crossfilter I have come across to this point is from a post on the wealthfront Engineering blog.
Explore Your Multivariate Data with Crossfilter

  • fiddle from old article includes full code

There is also a relatively straight-forward example here:

This page has a few good tutorials for starting. https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/Tutorials

D3 has a pretty steep learning curve and you need to understand the following examples before understanding the crossfilter example:

  • d3.selectAll
  • d3.nest (how to covert a flat list of data into structures)
  • select.transition
  • etc.

The first 7 tutorials are written by the D3 author and it will teach you these basic concept. (The second one is the most intuitive) Scott Murray's example is very easy to understand and seems to be faster to learn compared to the original. Christophe Viau's tutorial is short and fastest to learn but not necessarily covers enough details.

I am also new to D3 but found this library to be very smart and powerful. Good luck