Dart: convert decimal to hex
Here is a little fuller example:
final myInteger = 2020;
final hexString = myInteger.toRadixString(16); // 7e4
The radix just means the base, so 16
means base-16. You can use the same method to make a binary string:
final binaryString = myInteger.toRadixString(2); // 11111100100
If you want the hex string to always be four characters long then you can pad the left side with zeros:
final paddedString = hexString.padLeft(4, '0'); // 07e4
And if you prefer it in uppercase hex:
final uppercaseString = paddedString.toUpperCase(); // 07E4
Here are a couple other interesting things:
print(0x7e4); // 2020
int myInt = int.parse('07e4', radix: 16);
print(myInt); // 2020
does that.
See also https://groups.google.com/a/dartlang.org/forum/m/#!topic/misc/ljkYEzveYWk