Dask item assignment. Cannot use loc for item assignment

You can use map_partitions in this case where you can use raw pandas functionality. I.e.


this operates on the individual pandas constituent dataframes of the dask dataframe

df = pd.DataFrame({"OtherCol":[0b010, 0b110, 0b100, 0b110, 0b100, 0b010]})
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=2)

And we see the result as expected:

   OtherCol  NewCol
0         2       1
1         6       0
2         4      -1
3         6       0
4         4      -1
5         2       1

You can replace your loc assignments with dask.dataframe.Series.mask:

df['NewCol'] = 0
df['NewCol'] = df['NewCol'].mask(new_col == 0b010, 1)
df['NewCol'] = df['NewCol'].mask(new_col == 0b100, -1)