Data passed to view, not accessible in layout - Laravel Controllers

To pass data to the layout you use the first parameter as the name of the variable.

What is happening when you are doing this:

$this->layout->nest('content', 'home.index', $array);

Is nesting the view home.index that takes a parameter of $array. You are not creating a variable that can be used in the layout.

The variable you are creating for the layout is $content that will display the contents of the view passed to it, this is specific to the 'nest' method.

If you look into the API you will notice that 'layout' as declared in the controller is an instance of: Laravel\View

This has a method called with that supplies variables to the view.

To use it try something like this:

$this->layout->with( 'myVariable' , $variable_to_pass_to_layout )
             ->nest('content', 'home.index', $array)