DataGridTextColumn.IsReadOnly seems to be faulty

I found this solution which allows you to bind to data when the DataContext is not inherited:

Add the BindingProxy class Thomas wrote and add this resource to your DataGrid:

    <local:BindingProxy x:Key="proxy" Data="{Binding}" />

Now you can bind to your DataContex via the Data property of the BindingProxy just as you would expect.

<DataGridTextColumn Header="Price"
                    Binding="{Binding Price}"
                    IsReadOnly="{Binding Data.LockFields, Source={StaticResource proxy}}"/>

Same as codekaizen but simpler:

      <Setter Property="UIElement.IsEnabled" Value="{Binding IsEditable}" />

DataGridColumns are not part of the visual tree, and don't participate in binding like this. The way I get around it is to use DataGridTemplateColumn.

            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=myProperty}" />
            <TextBox IsEnabled="{Binding Path=myBool}" Text="{Binding Path=myProperty, Mode=TwoWay}" />

There are other workarounds, which I've found a bit too hackish, but they do work; to wit:



