Decode JSON as it is still streaming in via net/http

Decoding a JSON stream is possible with the json.Decoder.

With Decoder.Decode(), we may read (unmarshal) a single value without consuming and unmarshaling the complete stream. This is cool, but your input is a "single" JSON object, not a series of JSON objects, which means a call to Decoder.Decode() would attempt to unmarshal the complete JSON object with all items (large objects).

What we want is partially, on-the-fly processing of a single JSON object. For this, we may use Decoder.Token() which parses (advances) only the next subsequent token in the JSON input stream and returns it. This is called event-driven parsing.

Of course we have to "process" (interpret and act upon) the tokens and build a "state machine" that keeps track of where we're in the JSON structure we're processing.

Here's an implementation that solves your problem.

We will use the following JSON input:

    "somefield": "value",
    "otherfield": "othervalue",
    "items": [
        { "id": "1", "data": "data1" },
        { "id": "2", "data": "data2" },
        { "id": "3", "data": "data3" },
        { "id": "4", "data": "data4" }

And read the items, the "large objects" modeled by this type:

type LargeObject struct {
    Id   string `json:"id"`
    Data string `json:"data"`

We will also parse and interpret other fields in the JSON object, but we will only log / print them.

For brevity and easy error handling, We'll use this helper error handler function:

he := func(err error) {
    if err != nil {

And now let's see some action. In the example below for brevity and to have a working demonstration on the Go Playground, we'll read from a string value. To read from an actual HTTP response body, we only have to change a single line, which is how we create the json.Decoder:

dec := json.NewDecoder(res.Body)

So the demonstration:

dec := json.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(jsonStream))
// We expect an object
t, err := dec.Token()
if delim, ok := t.(json.Delim); !ok || delim != '{' {
    log.Fatal("Expected object")

// Read props
for dec.More() {
    t, err = dec.Token()
    prop := t.(string)
    if t != "items" {
        var v interface{}
        log.Printf("Property '%s' = %v", prop, v)

    // It's the "items". We expect it to be an array
    t, err := dec.Token()
    if delim, ok := t.(json.Delim); !ok || delim != '[' {
        log.Fatal("Expected array")
    // Read items (large objects)
    for dec.More() {
        // Read next item (large object)
        lo := LargeObject{}
        fmt.Printf("Item: %+v\n", lo)
    // Array closing delim
    t, err = dec.Token()
    if delim, ok := t.(json.Delim); !ok || delim != ']' {
        log.Fatal("Expected array closing")

// Object closing delim
t, err = dec.Token()
if delim, ok := t.(json.Delim); !ok || delim != '}' {
    log.Fatal("Expected object closing")

This will produce the following output:

2009/11/10 23:00:00 Property 'somefield' = value
2009/11/10 23:00:00 Property 'otherfield' = othervalue
Item: {Id:1 Data:data1}
Item: {Id:2 Data:data2}
Item: {Id:3 Data:data3}
Item: {Id:4 Data:data4}

Try the full, working example on the Go Playground.