Delete files older than 10days on HDFS
I attempted to implement the accepted solution above.
Unfortunately, it only partially worked for me. I ran into 3 real world problems.
First, hdfs didn't have enough RAM to load up and print all the files.
Second, even when hdfs could print all the files awk could only handle ~8300 records before it broke.
Third, the performance was abysmal. When implemented it was deleting ~10 files per minute. This wasn't useful because I was generating ~240 files per minute.
So my final solution was this:
HADOOP_CLIENT_OPTS="-Xmx2g" hdfs dfs -ls /path/to/directory | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f6-8 | grep "^[0-9]" | awk 'BEGIN{ MIN=35*24*60; LAST=60*MIN; "date +%s" | getline NOW } { cmd="date -d'\''"$1" "$2"'\'' +%s"; cmd | getline WHEN; DIFF=NOW-WHEN; if(DIFF > LAST){ print $3}}; close(cmd);' > $tmpfile
hdfs dfs -rm -r $(cat $tmpfile)
rm "$tmpfile"
I don't know if there are additional limits on this solution but it handles 50,000+ records in a timely fashion.
EDIT: Interestingly, I ran into this issue again and on the remove, I had to batch my deletes as hdfs rm statement couldn't take more than ~32,000 inputs.
Solution 1: Using multiple commands as answered by daemon12
hdfs dfs -ls /file/Path | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f6-8 | grep "^[0-9]" | awk 'BEGIN{ MIN=14400; LAST=60*MIN; "date +%s" | getline NOW } { cmd="date -d'\''"$1" "$2"'\'' +%s"; cmd | getline WHEN; DIFF=NOW-WHEN; if(DIFF > LAST){ print "Deleting: "$3; system("hdfs dfs -rm -r "$3) }}'
Solution 2: Using Shell script
today=`date +'%s'`
hdfs dfs -ls /file/Path/ | grep "^d" | while read line ; do
dir_date=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $6}')
difference=$(( ( ${today} - $(date -d ${dir_date} +%s) ) / ( 24*60*60 ) ))
filePath=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $8}')
if [ ${difference} -gt 10 ]; then
hdfs dfs -rm -r $filePath
Yes, you can try with HdfsFindTool:
hadoop jar /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/contrib/mr/search-mr-job.jar \
org.apache.solr.hadoop.HdfsFindTool \
-find /pathhodir -mtime +10 -name ^.*\.txt$ \
| xargs hdfs dfs -rm -r -skipTrash
How about this:
hdfs dfs -ls /tmp | tr -s " " | cut -d' ' -f6-8 | grep "^[0-9]" | awk 'BEGIN{ MIN=14400; LAST=60*MIN; "date +%s" | getline NOW } { cmd="date -d'\''"$1" "$2"'\'' +%s"; cmd | getline WHEN; DIFF=NOW-WHEN; if(DIFF > LAST){ print "Deleting: "$3; system("hdfs dfs -rm -r "$3) }}'
A detailed description is here.