Delphi 10.3 Rio - remove the welcome page

Instead of remove it, you could edit the \Welcomepage\en\default.htm and \Welcomepage\css\styles_light.css files to show something more helpful. In mine, I removed the "Get Started", "Upcoming Events" and "YouTube Videos" panels, increased the size of favorites panel, and some other things.

Simple way of doing things :"C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\bin\bds.exe" -np -ns

-NP This removes Welcome Page. -NS This removes Starting screen.

Putting an underscore in front of the package description stills works here.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Embarcadero\BDS\20.0\Known IDE Packages

enter image description here

Ref: The Wiert Corner - Delphi packages I have disabled by prefixing their description with an underscore (and why)

This is actually Dave's Nottage suggestion which works quite well without having to meddle with the registry. If he wants he can post the answer. (In the bin folder of Delphi (typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\bin for Rio), rename startpageide260.bpl to something else – Dave Nottage ) Example :

enter image description here