Delphi to .NET Converter

Spare your time.. If you want to convert code because you don't understand or like the original language, my advice is: "Don't bother" (believe me, I've made numerous attempts to convert code). Especially if you're planning to just make a couple of small changes to the existing code.

You won't be able to convert the code and have it compile, let alone run flawlessly.

You might be able to translate portions into something that is syntactically correct, but you won't have the libraries or frameworks (RTL/VCL) that the software relies on.

You're going to have to go back to the Delphi code and be able to understand what's happening to fix parts that are not working. It's going to take more time to fix bugs in the generated code than it would take to study the existing code and rewrite it entirely.

And if you have the time to rewrite software in another language, you might as well just roll up your sleeves, learn the original language, and change what you need to change in the existing code.

I have no experience using these tools, but here are a couple:



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