deny directory listing with htaccess
Options -Indexes should work to prevent directory listings.
If you are using a .htaccess file make sure you have at least the "allowoverride options" setting in your main apache config file.
For showing Forbidden error then include these lines in your .htaccess file:
Options -Indexes
If we want to index our files and showing them with some information, then use:
IndexOptions -FancyIndexing
If we want for some particular extension not to show, then:
IndexIgnore *.zip *.css
Try adding this to the .htaccess
file in that directory.
Options -Indexes
This has more information.
If Options -Indexes
does not work as Bryan Drewery suggested, you could write a recursive method to create blank index.php files.
Place this inside of your base folder you wish to protect, you can name it whatever (I would recommend index.php)
function recurse($path){
foreach(scandir($path) as $o){
if($o != "." && $o != ".."){
$full = $path . "/" . $o;
if(!file_exists($full . "/index.php")){
file_put_contents($full . "/index.php", "");
These blank index.php files can be easily deleted or overwritten, and they'll keep your directories from being listable.