Deploy a GitHub branch automatically to AWS Elastic Beanstalk

For anyone that stumbles on this, I would like to comment saying this is possible.

  1. You need to create an application on Elastic Beanstalk (This application should be based on the runtime environment of your code for example nodejs for an application built with nodejs, php for a php-application)
  2. Make sure to select the sample application provided by aws when creating a beanstalk application.
  3. This spins up an environment that runs that sample application (feel free to configure the environment the way you want)
  4. Launch the application and then create a new pipeline but be sure to select your source as GitHub in the pipeline (this enables your branch from github to be selected as the source)
  5. In the Deploy stage of the pipeline, be sure to select Elastic Beanstalk for deployment.

A well detailed explanation can be found here:

currently we are using jenkins ci for BDD .and jenkins custom aws-eb plugins automatically deploy your branch to elastic beanstalk. this might be help you and even this is the alternative for codepipeline to.