Detect when multiple enum items map to same value

I don't know of anything that will automatically check all enum members, but if you want to check that future changes to the initializers (or the macros they rely on) don't cause collisions:

switch (0) {
    case MsgFoo1A: break;
    case MsgFoo1B: break;
    case MsgFoo1C: break;
    case MsgFoo1D: break;
    case MsgFoo1E: break;
    case MsgFoo2A: break;
    case MsgFoo2B: break;

will cause a compiler error if any of the integral values is reused, and most compilers will even tell you what value (the numeric value) was a problem.

I don't believe there's a way to detect this with the language itself, considering there are conceivable cases where you'd want two enumeration values to be the same. You can, however, always ensure all explicitly set items are at the top of the list:

typedef enum
  MsgFoo1A = BASE1_VAL,       // 5
  MsgFoo2A = BASE2_VAL,       // 7
  MsgFoo1B,                   // 8
  MsgFoo1C,                   // 9
  MsgFoo1D,                   // 10
  MsgFoo1E,                   // 11
  MsgFoo2B                    // 12
} FOO;

So long as assigned values are at the top, no collision is possible, unless for some reason the macros expand to values which are the same.

Usually this problem is overcome by giving a fixed number of bits for each MsgFooX group, and ensuring each group does not overflow it's allotted number of bits. The "Number of bits" solution is nice because it allows a bitwise test to determine to which message group something belongs. But there's no built-in language feature to do this because there are legitimate cases for an enum having two of the same value:

typedef enum
    gray = 4, //Gr[ae]y should be the same
    grey = 4,
    color = 5, //Also makes sense in some cases
    couleur = 5
} FOO;

I didn't see "pretty" in your requirements, so I submit this solution implemented using the Boost Preprocessor library.

As an up-front disclaimer, I haven't used Boost.Preprocessor a whole lot and I've only tested this with the test cases presented here, so there could be bugs, and there may be an easier, cleaner way to do this. I certainly welcome comments, corrections, suggestions, insults, etc.

Here we go:

#include <boost/preprocessor.hpp>

#define EXPAND_ENUM_VALUE(r, data, i, elem)                          \
    BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0, elem)                                       \
    BOOST_PP_IIF(                                                    \
        BOOST_PP_EQUAL(BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE(elem), 2),                  \
        = BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(1, elem),                                \
        BOOST_PP_EMPTY())                                            \

#define ADD_CASE_FOR_ENUM_VALUE(r, data, elem) \
    case BOOST_PP_SEQ_ELEM(0, elem) : break;

#define DEFINE_UNIQUE_ENUM(name, values)                                  \
enum name                                                                 \
{                                                                         \
    BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH_I(EXPAND_ENUM_VALUE,                            \
                            BOOST_PP_SEQ_SIZE(values), values)            \
};                                                                        \
namespace detail                                                          \
{                                                                         \
    void UniqueEnumSanityCheck##name()                                    \
    {                                                                     \
        switch (name())                                                   \
        {                                                                 \
            BOOST_PP_SEQ_FOR_EACH(ADD_CASE_FOR_ENUM_VALUE, name, values)  \
        }                                                                 \
    }                                                                     \

We can then use it like so:

DEFINE_UNIQUE_ENUM(DayOfWeek, ((Monday)    (1))
                              ((Tuesday)   (2))
                              ((Wednesday)    )
                              ((Thursday)  (4)))

The enumerator value is optional; this code generates an enumeration equivalent to:

enum DayOfWeek
    Monday = 1,
    Tuesday = 2,
    Thursday = 4

It also generates a sanity-check function that contains a switch statement as described in Ben Voigt's answer. If we change the enumeration declaration such that we have non-unique enumerator values, e.g.,

DEFINE_UNIQUE_ENUM(DayOfWeek, ((Monday)    (1))
                              ((Tuesday)   (2))
                              ((Wednesday)    )
                              ((Thursday)  (1)))

it will not compile (Visual C++ reports the expected error C2196: case value '1' already used).

Thanks also to Matthieu M., whose answer to another question got me interested in the Boost Preprocessor library.

There are a couple ways to check this compile time, but they might not always work for you. Start by inserting a "marker" enum value right before MsgFoo2A.

typedef enum
    MsgFoo1A = BASE1_VAL,
    MARKER_1_DONT_USE, /* Don't use this value, but leave it here.  */
    MsgFoo2A = BASE2_VAL,
} FOO;

Now we need a way to ensure that MARKER_1_DONT_USE < BASE2_VAL at compile-time. There are two common techiques.

Negative size arrays

It is an error to declare an array with negative size. This looks a little ugly, but it works.


Almost every compiler ever written will generate an error if MARKER_1_DONT_USE is greater than BASE_2_VAL. GCC spits out:

test.c:16: error: size of array ‘IGNORE_ENUM_CHECK’ is negative

Static assertions

If your compiler supports C11, you can use _Static_assert. Support for C11 is not ubiquitous, but your compiler may support _Static_assert anyway, especially since the corresponding feature in C++ is widely supported.

_Static_assert(MARKER_1_DONT_USE < BASE2_VAL, "Enum values overlap.");

GCC spits out the following message:

test.c:16:1: error: static assertion failed: "Enum values overlap."
 _Static_assert(MARKER_1_DONT_USE < BASE2_VAL, "Enum values overlap.");