detecting when the "File download" popup is closed

No such event exists. You need to take a different approach to solve this.

  1. target the download link to a hidden iframe with a name (target="myhiddeniframe")
  2. on click of the download link, show your loading spinner
  3. set the onload attribute of the iframe to a callback that hides your spinner

Net effect: you "spin" while the pdf is generated, and "unspin" when the "File download" dialog appears (as opposed to when the "File download" dialog is closed).

I am very sure that the answer is no, unless you want to consider some sort of ActiveX plugin to the browser (in which case the answer might still be no...)

I had to work on this kind of issue, on another project. I finally found a smart solution, as explained in another Stackoverflow question.

The explanation is given in the following post:

The idea is to "simply" use a cookie to define when the file is downloaded.

  • open your waiting popup
  • do an AJAX query to generate the file, which returns the URL to that file
  • in the AJAX query callback, close your waiting popup then redirect to the file URL


    var url = $(this).attr('href');


    $.get(url, function(file_url) {
        window.location.href = file_url;

    return false;