Developer Console is not loading

Below are the steps for resolution Salesforce provided
1. login and open Developer Console by Chrome
2. open Developer tools and select Network
3. reload on Developer Console
Use the following query to get the IDEWorkspace

/services/data/v31.0/tooling/query/?q=SELECT id, name from IDEWorkspace

and you would get Id: 1de1a0000014sEWAAY
IsDeleted: false
CreatedDate: 2015-06-18T22:02:05.000+0000
CreatedById: 0051a000000K7Y7AAK
LastModifiedDate: 2015-06-27T01:41:37.000+0000
LastModifiedById: 0051a000000K7Y7AAK
SystemModstamp: 2015-06-27T01:41:37.000+0000
UserId: 0051a000000K7Y7AAK
Name: Default

ID of IDEWorkspace is "1de1a0000014sEWAAY".
4. login to Workbench and go to REST Explorer
5. do GET for "/services/data/v29.0/tooling/sobjects/IDEWorkspace/1de1a0000014sEWAAY" You will see the content of IDEWorkspace 6. do DELETE
7. re-open Developer Console
You will see an error. And you will see that menus are available.
8. Create a new workspace as the old workspace as been deleted Then, Developer Console will work fine.

Everytime my Dev Console hangs while loading I do the following:

  • copy the url from the Dev Console window
  • open new tab in browser's main window
  • paste URL there

Hope that works also for you.


Sometimes, this is not enough. The console is loaded but unresponsive due to fact that last opened tab is log that is outdated (older than 24hrs and removed). Then you need to ignore the fact that console is not fully functional and either close all the tabs or click the tab that is valid (apex class, trigger, anything but outddated log). Then refresh the console/reopen it. Works everytime for me!

Sometimes this occurs when you leave too many tabs open, and like @Wookie88 said, especially when you leave outdated log tabs open. What works for me in this scenario is opening the Dev Console as you normally do, then opening Chrome Dev Tools (or browser JS console) for that window, and running the following JS to close all unnecessary/most tabs (you may have to run script a few times if you have a lot of tabs open):

var x = document.getElementsByClassName("x-tab-inner");
for (i = 0; i <= x.length; i++) {
    var tabCheck = x[i];
    if (tabCheck != null && (tabCheck.innerHTML.includes("Log executeAnon") ||
            tabCheck.innerHTML.includes("TestRun") ||
            tabCheck.innerHTML.includes("@"))) {;

EDIT: When this does not work you may need to delete your existing dev console workspace and create a new one which can be done with Workbench. This issue and resolution is outlined here: