Dialog from bash script

There is

  • dialog (ncurses based)
  • xdialog (X11 based)

Other implementations are reported to exist:

  • zenity (Gnome)
  • kdialog (Kde)

If you use gpm, you can even use the mouse in a console environment. It requires a tty, so it will work over ssh, screen, xterm etc. but not when piping/redirecting.

Both sport more or less the same interface so you can switch depending on whether an X display is available

Here is a dialog script that displays a simple YES/NO box:


$DIALOG --title " My first dialog" --clear \
        --yesno "Hello , this is my first dialog program" 10 30

case $? in
    echo "Yes chosen.";;
    echo "No chosen.";;
    echo "ESC pressed.";;

enter image description here

Replacing dialog by xdialog:

enter image description here

I've searched what dialog creators are. I found yad and with this I can set my desired options:

yad --skip-taskbar --center --title="Print dialog" {--image,--window-icon}=/usr/share/icons/Tango/72x72/devices/printer1.png --form --item-separator=, --field="Pages per sheet":CB 1,2,4,6,8 --field="Pages"


And when I choose "2 pages per sheet" and pages "1-12" and after click OK the output will 2|1-12|.

This is what I desired. Zenity or Xdialog can do similar?