Difference between e.target and e.currentTarget

I like visual answers.

enter image description here

When you click #btn, two event handlers get called and they output what you see in the picture.

Demo here: https://jsfiddle.net/ujhe1key/

e.target is what triggers the event dispatcher to trigger and e.currentTarget is what you assigned your listener to.

Ben is completely correct in his answer - so keep what he says in mind. What I'm about to tell you isn't a full explanation, but it's a very easy way to remember how e.target, e.currentTarget work in relation to mouse events and the display list:

e.target = The thing under the mouse (as ben says... the thing that triggers the event). e.currentTarget = The thing before the dot... (see below)

So if you have 10 buttons inside a clip with an instance name of "btns" and you do:

btns.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver);
// btns = the thing before the dot of an addEventListener call
function onOver(e:MouseEvent):void{
  trace(e.target.name, e.currentTarget.name);

e.target will be one of the 10 buttons and e.currentTarget will always be the "btns" clip.

It's worth noting that if you changed the MouseEvent to a ROLL_OVER or set the property btns.mouseChildren to false, e.target and e.currentTarget will both always be "btns".

e.currentTarget is always the element the event is actually bound do. e.target is the element the event originated from, so e.target could be a child of e.currentTarget, or e.target could be === e.currentTarget, depending on how your markup is structured.