Difference between scikit-learn and sklearn

Regarding the difference sklearn vs. scikit-learn: The package "scikit-learn" is recommended to be installed using pip install scikit-learn but in your code imported using import sklearn.

A bit confusing, because you can also do pip install sklearn and will end up with the same scikit-learn package installed, because there is a "dummy" pypi package sklearn which will install scikit-learn for you.

From this thread:

scikit-learn is in install_requires of sklearn setup.py so you do end-up with scikit-learn installed


At the end, pip install sklearn or pip install scikit-learn --- apart from the annoying sklearn (0.0) showed in the pip list --- will install the latest available build from PyPI.

You might need to reinstall numpy. It doesn't seem to have installed correctly.

sklearn is how you type the scikit-learn name in python.

Also, try running the standard tests in scikit-learn and check the output. You will have detailed error information there.

Do you have nosetests installed? Try: nosetests -v sklearn. You type this in bash, not in the python interpreter.