Difference should make no difference

CJam, 1051 827 643 569 545 407 327 279 235 233 229

''"','#'C'J'a'm',' qYew::-Yf#:+e#'''''''''"

The above program generates the actual source code, which is 1,179,112 bytes long.


Using the Java interpreter, the source code can be generated and tested like this:

$ alias cjam='java -jar cjam-0.6.5.jar'
$ cjam gen.cjam > diff.cjam
$ cksum diff.cjam 
896860245 1179112 diff.cjam
$ cjam diff.cjam < diff.cjam
#CJam, 229

Alternate version

At the cost of 36 points – for a final score of 265 – we can make the source code 99.92% shorter:


You can try this version online in the CJam interpreter.


We want to execute the code

'#'C'J'a'm',' qYew::-Yf#:+

keeping the score as low as possible. To achieve this, we're going to build that string character by character (with a few no-ops before and after) and evaluate the result.

Fortunately, ' (push character literal), ( (decrement) and ) (increment) are consecutive ASCII characters, so pushing arbitrary characters is relatively inexpensive.

  • ASCII characters after ' can be pushed as '()…)(, where the number of ) depends on the code point.

    For example, + can be pushed as '())))(. The distance between ' and (, and ( and ) is 1. The trailing )( cancel each other; their only function is to pave the way for the following ' (corresponding to the next character) with consecutive characters.

    Characters pushed in this fashion will raise the score by 4 points.

  • ASCII characters before ' can be pushed as ''(…(, where the number of ( depends on the code point.

    For example, # can be pushed as ''((((. The distance between ' and ( is 1.

    Characters pushed in this fashion will raise the score by 2 points.

  • ''(…( actually works for all ASCII characters, since Character is 16 bits wide and wraps around. For example, + can be pushed as '', followed by 65,532 (s.

    This technique is used in the 1.2 megabyte version of the code.

  • The character ' can be pushed as '', leaving the score unaffected.


e# Push these characters on the stack: ','#'C'J'a'm',' qYew::-Yf#:+e#'''''''''


+                         e# Concatenate the two topmost single quotes.
,                         e# Push the length of the resulting string (2).
-.0123456789              e# Push that number.
;                         e# Discard it from the stack.
<                         e# Compare a single quote with 2. Pushes 0.
=                         e# Compare a single quote with 0. Pushes 0.
>                         e# Compare a single quote with 0. Pushes 1.
?                         e# Ternary if. Discards a single quote and 1.
@                         e# Rotate the remaining three single quotes.
ABCDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ e# Push 25 items on the stack.
[\]                       e# Swap the last two and wrap them in an array.

e# So far, we've pushed the elements of "','#'C'J'a'm',' qYew::-Yf#:+e#'''"
e# followed by the elements of [10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20]
e# and ["" "" "" 3.141592653589793 "" "" " " 0 0 0 -1 1 [3 2]].

]    e# Wrap the entire stack in an array.
[    e# Begin an array. Does nothing.
ZZ   e# Push 3 twice.
[    e# Begin an array. Does nothing.
\^   e# Swap both 3s and push the bitwise XOR. Pushes 0.
__   e# Push two copies.
`    e# Inspect the last copy. Pushes the string "0".
b    e# Convert "0" from base 0 to integer. Pushes 48.
cd   e# Cast 48 to Character, then Double. Pushes 48.0.
gi   e# Apply the sign function, then cast to integer. Pushes 1.
mp   e# Check 1 for primality. Pushes 0.
s    e# Cast the result to string. Pushes the string "0".

e# We now have three elements on the stack: an array, 0, and "0"

t    e# Set the element at index 0 of the array to the string "0".
s    e# Cast the array to string.

e# This pushes the string consisting of the characters
e#     0,'#'C'J'a'm',' qYew::-Yf#:+
e# and
e#     e#'''10111213141516171819203.141592653589793 000-1132
e# When evaluated this does the following:
e#   0,                Push an empty array. Does not affect output.
e#   '#'C'J'a'm','     Push the characters of "#CJam, ".
e#   q                 Read all input from STDIN.
e#   Yew               Push the overlapping slices of length 2.
e#   ::-               Reduce each pair of characters to their difference.
e#   Yf#               Square each difference.
e#   :+                Add the results.
e#   e#…               Comment. Does nothing.

z    e# Zip. This wraps the string on the stack in an array.
{}~  e# Execute an empty block.
~    e# Unwrap the array.
~    e# Evaluate the string.

Haskell, 152827 95742 91196 83921 77447 71742

a=(.);_ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA=("#Haskell, "++)`a`show`a`sum`a`fmap(^2)`a`(tail>>=zipWith(-))`a`fmap fromEnum`a`(""++)

Usage (note: " has to be escaped):

_ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA   "a=(.);_ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA=(\"#Haskell, \"++)`a`show`a`sum`a`fmap(^2)`a`(tail>>=zipWith(-))`a`fmap fromEnum`a`(\"\"++)"

"#Haskell, 71742"

I prepend the empty string "" to the input string to help the Haskell interpreter figuring out the types. Without it type inference fails, the code is too polymorphic. The rest is business as usual: map each character to ascii, make a list of neighbor differences, square, sum and prepend language name.

><>, 30227

'#><>, '<;n&oooooo

Gah, the title doubled my score; in the words of my own program, n&oooooo! I'll take some time later to make this better. I also know that this score may be off since I can't really enter newlines on the online interpreter and I'm not sure there's a way to populate an input stack on the official one.

By no means completely optimized, but takes full some advantage of the relative proximity (at least in terms of ASCII characters) of the commands in ><>. I couldn't easily submit the newline as input, so I used the Pyth score checker, but it matches for a bunch of random test cases I used so it should be fine with regards to that.

Here's one with a score of 30353 (which ought to be correct since it's one line):

0&l1=66+*77++0.$:@-:*&+&10.' ,><>#'oooooo&n;