Differences between sqlite, SQL AND MYSQL and learning tips

SQL - Structured Query Language - (To query database)

MySQL - Client Server Database - (Uses SQL to manage data, Has User Interface (UI))

SQLite - Small version of MySQL - (for battery operated devices)

More :


  • easier to setup

  • great for temporary (testing databases)

  • great for rapid development

  • great for embedding in an application

  • doesn't have user management

  • doesn't have many performance features

  • doesn't scale well.


  • far more difficult/complex to set up

  • better options for performance tuning

  • can scale well if tuned properly

  • can manage users, permissions, etc.

I best recommend to use MySQL first for you to become more familiar on its basic functionality which I suppose you must learn first.

Start to learn one engine and I recommend (Microsoft) SQL Server, and the conversion will be easy.

But it is important to note that SQL Server and MySQL support stored procedures but SQLite does not.

SQLite is file-based, SQL Server and MySQL are server-based

SQL is query language. MySQL is client-server relational database management system (RDBMS). Sqlite is embeddable relational database management system.