dirname appears not to work with xargs
on macOS only takes a single pathname, whereas basename
is able to work with multiple pathnames. It is however safest to call basename
with a single pathname so that it does not accidentally try to remove the the second pathname from the end of the first, as in
$ basename some/file e
When calling these utilities from xargs
you may ask xargs
to run the utility with a single newline-delimited string at a time:
printf '%s\n' some arguments | xargs -I {} basename {}
printf '%s\n' some arguments | xargs -I {} dirname {}
You could also use xargs -L 1 utility
rather than xargs -I {} utility {}
only takes 1 argument; while the GNU/coreutils version of dirname
can take more than 1 argument, that is a non-standard extension:
dirname string