Disable double left click on google map

You can take advantage of, dblclick fires if it is a double click, and single click fires in such occations only once.

runIfNotDblClick = function(fun){

clearSingleClick = function(fun){
    singleClick = false;

singleClick = false;

google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) {// duh! :-( google map zoom on double click!
    singleClick = true;
    setTimeout("runIfNotDblClick()", 500);

google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'dblclick', function(event) {// duh! :-( google map zoom on double click!

See http://www.ilikeplaces.com

You can disable double-click zoom on Google Maps by setting the following google.maps.MapOptions object property:

disableDoubleClickZoom: true

Sample code:

var mapOptions = {
    scrollwheel: false,
    disableDoubleClickZoom: true, // <---
    panControl: false,
    streetViewControl: false,
    center: defaultMapCenter