Disable the numbering of algorithms

posting working examples would be a nice idea ... ;-) Now only page references make sense:

\renewcommand{\algorithmiccomment}[1]{\hspace{2em}// #1} 

\caption*{MyAlgorithm} \label{alg:MyAlgorithm}
\item foo

see algorithm on Page~\pageref{alg:MyAlgorithm}

Setting the counter to nothing also works fine


The algorithm name and number are set as a combination. In general this is inside the "float macro" called \fnum@<float>. In the case of algorithm we see this definition for \fnum@algorithm:

> \fnum@algorithm=macro:
->\fname@algorithm {} \thealgorithm .

We can redefine this to only use \fname@algorithm (and therefore drop \thealgorithm - the algorithm numbering):

enter image description here





    \State An item


A similar interface/option is provided using the caption package:
