Display Sentence in Alphabetical Order
GolfScript, 24 / 6 characters
> Johnny walked the dog to the park.
If the input is restricted to printable ascii the code can be shortened by three characters using {95&.64>\91<&},
as filter.
Can be tested here.
The can-be-ignored version is even shorter (6 chars):
and yields output
> Johnny walked the dog to the park.
GNU core utils - 25 characters (29 dropping symbols)
fold -1|sort -f|tr -d \\n
Example (from GNU bash 3):
$ echo "Johnny walked the dog to the park."|fold -1|sort -f|tr -d \\n
.aaddeeeghhhJkklnnoooprtttwy <<no trailing newline>>
From the question:
Spaces and symbols can be ignored or deleted
I chose to leave them in! To retain only alphabetic characters, replace fold -1
with grep -o \\w
for +4 characters.
grep -o \\w|sort -f|tr -d \\n
Thanks to Firefly for recommending grep -o
over sed
, and Wumpus for fold -1
. ;-)
C, 121
This is quite long compared to other entries, but it does not rely on any built-in sorting or ToLower functions:
j;main(k){char s[99],*p=s;gets(s);while(*p){j=p-s-1;k=*p++;while(j>=0&&(s[j]|32)>(k|32))s[j+1]=s[j--];s[j+1]=k;}puts(s);}
More readable version:
j; main(k) {
char s[99], *p=s;
while(*p) {
j = p-s-1;
k = *p++;
while(j >= 0 && (s[j]|32) > (k|32))
s[j+1] = s[j--];
s[j+1] = k;
This is an implementation of insertion sort with a case-insensitive comparison between elements (using the |32
bitwise operation). This is because in ASCII encoding uppercase letters and lowercase letters only differ by the 25 bit.