Displaying crosshairs in the center of a JavaScript Google Map

Ok I'm a fool and was making this harder than it ought to be.

Rather than delete the question, here's a solution in case it helps someone else out:

<div id="container">
    <div id="map"></div>
    <div id="reticule"><img src="reticule.gif" /></div>

And some styles:

#container { position:relative; }
#map { height:100%; width:100%; }
#reticule {
    pointer-events: none;

That's not the exact center of the map

The given solution didn't work for me, because the overlying div creates a dead spot in the map. A better solution for my project, using the Google Maps JavaScript API V3, was to create the reticle on the map as a marker with a 1 pixel rectangle shape. Then use the maps bounds_changed event to recenter the marker.

Reticle image is 63 x 63 png. (images/reticle.png)

Define the marker image and shape...

  var reticleImage = new google.maps.MarkerImage(
    'images/reticle.png',            // marker image
    new google.maps.Size(63, 63),    // marker size
    new google.maps.Point(0,0),      // marker origin
    new google.maps.Point(32, 32));  // marker anchor point
  var reticleShape = {
    coords: [32,32,32,32],           // 1px
    type: 'rect'                     // rectangle

After creation of our map (main_map) we add the marker...

  reticleMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: latlng,
    map: main_map,
    icon: reticleImage, 
    shape: reticleShape,
    optimized: false,
    zIndex: 5

Here the var latlng is the same LatLng object used to create main_map. The zIndex should be greater than any other marker zIndex's, to keep the reticle on top.

Then we add an event handler to be called when the map bounds_changed is fired.

  google.maps.event.addListener(main_map, 'bounds_changed', centerReticle);

and finally we have the centerReticle() function.

  function centerReticle(){

Since we're not doing anything else with the 'bounds_changed' event we can tidy up the code by passing an anonymous function to the addListener call... This keeps us from having to define the centerReticle() function.

  google.maps.event.addListener(main_map, 'bounds_changed',

It actually works pretty slick. I hope this helps others.

