"Distinct" results in complex query

In your first query you have this clause:

GROUP BY me.id, me.merchant_num, me.merchant_nm, me.status

In your second query you have this clause:

GROUP BY me.id, me.merchant_num, me.merchant_nm, me.status, tt.bank_txt

You are getting different number of rows in the second query because your GROUP BY is different. You need to keep it the same.

Here is one way to do it. I used CTE to make the query readable.

As you can see in the comments in the query, it returns the value of the trans_live column for the merchant's most recent transaction. Most recent transaction of the merchant across all dates, regardless of the filter in the CTE. Same with the date of the last transaction that uses IBank (IBA). It returns the last transaction of the merchant across all dates, regardless of the filter in the CTE.

It is not clear from the question if this is what you want, though. Please clarify.

    SELECT -- distinct
        -- you don't need distinct here, because GROUP BY does it
        -- try to comment out distinct, you should get exactly the same result
        me.id, me.merchant_num, me.merchant_nm
        ,count(tt.id) as num_transactions
        -- return 0 count for merchants that don't have any transactions
        -- within the given range of dates

        ,CASE WHEN me.status = 'A' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END as production_mode
        merchant_t me
        LEFT OUTER JOIN transaction_t tt
            ON  tt.merchant_id = me.id 
            AND tt.transaction_dt BETWEEN '2020-04-01' and '2020-04-30'
    WHERE me.status = 'T'
    GROUP BY me.id, me.merchant_num, me.merchant_nm, me.status
        -- use OUTER APPLY (not CROSS APPLY) in case there are merchants with no transactions
        -- The value of the "trans_live" column for the merchant's most recent transaction.
        -- Most recent across all dates, regardless of the filter in the CTE
        select top 1
            transaction_t.trans_live AS is_live
        from transaction_t
            transaction_t.merchant_id = CTE_Merchants.id
        order by transaction_dt desc
    ) AS A1
        -- use OUTER APPLY (not CROSS APPLY) in case there are merchants with no transactions
        -- The date of the last transaction that uses IBank (IBA).
        -- The last transaction across all dates, regardless of the filter in the CTE
        select top 1
            transaction_t.transaction_dt AS last_IBA_transaction_dt
        from transaction_t
            transaction_t.merchant_id = CTE_Merchants.id
            and transaction_t.bank_txt = 'IBA'
        order by transaction_dt desc
    ) AS A2

For this query to work efficiently, I would recommend to create certain indexes. You already have an index IX_status on the merchant_t table. This is good.

Those indexes that you have on the transaction_t table are not the best for this kind of query. You existing indexes IX_transaction_dt, IX_trans_live, IX_bank_txt are not useful for this query. Even IX_merchant_id by itself is not really useful, especially if you replace it with a composite index on (merchant_id, transaction_dt), as I've shown below.

I hope you do have a clustered primary key on id in transaction_t table. Similar to the primary key in the merchant_t table. If not, I'd create it.

Then, for efficient join between merchant_t and transaction_t tables and for efficient retrieval of the latest trans_live we need the following index:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_merchant_id_transaction_dt] ON [dbo].[transaction_t]
    transaction_dt -- you can put DESC here, but it should not matter
) INCLUDE (trans_live)

The order of columns in this index is important.

You have an index on just transaction_dt. This query might use it, but it would be not as efficient as on (merchant_id, transaction_dt). Your current index is useful if you have queries that filter by transaction date without looking at the merchant_id. If you don't have such queries, you'd better drop it. Having too many indexes "just in case" may be a problem for optimizer, and it slows down updates and inserts.

For efficient retrieval of the last last_IBA_transaction_dt we'll need this index:

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_merchant_id_bank_txt_transaction_dt] ON [dbo].[transaction_t]
    transaction_dt -- you can put DESC here, but it should not matter

Again, the order of columns in this index is important.

If you don't want to create two indexes specifically for this query, you can try just one index, which is great for getting trans_live and should somewhat help with last_IBA_transaction_dt.

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX3] ON [dbo].[transaction_t]
    transaction_dt DESC
) INCLUDE (trans_live, bank_txt)

You can try and measure performance with the first two indexes and then just with the third one and compare.

By the way, if there are merchants that don't have any transactions within the given range of dates, then the query will return a row for these merchants. The COUNT in your original query will return 1 for these merchants. Probably this is not what you want.

To return 0 count for these merchants, the COUNT function should be COUNT(tt.id). I have made these changes in the code above.

This tries to get rid of the two Scalar Subqueries/Outer Apply. It runs a single aggregation on the transaction table using a conditional aggregate and the old piggyback trick to get the latest trans_live.

   -- return 0 count for merchants that don't have any transactions
   -- within the given range of dates
  ,Count(CASE WHEN tt.transaction_dt BETWEEN '2020-04-01' AND '2020-04-30' THEN tt.id end) AS num_transactions
   -- the date of the last transaction that uses IBank (IBA)
  ,CASE WHEN me.status = 'A' THEN 'Yes' ELSE 'No' END AS production_mode   
  ,Max(CASE WHEN bank_txt = 'IBA' THEN tt.transaction_dt END) AS last_IBA_transaction_dt
      -- the value of the "trans_live" column for the merchant's most recent transaction
      -- piggybacks the trans_live on the max transaction_dt
      -- similar to FIRST_VALUE
     ,convert(bit, Substring(Max(convert(CHAR(8), tt.transaction_dt, 112) + convert(CHAR(1), trans_live)), 9, 1)) AS is_live
FROM merchant_t AS me
LEFT JOIN transaction_t AS tt
  ON tt.merchant_id = me.id 
WHERE me.status = 'T' 

Don't ask me about adding indexes for improving performance, I don't work with SQL Server anymore and my main DBMS Teradata usually runs fast without adding indexes for specific queries :-)



Sql Server