django 1.5 - How to use variables inside static tag

I got this to work by using an empty string for the static path and then using my variables in their own section, like this:

<a href= "{% static "" %}{{obj.a}}/{{obj.b}}/{{obj.c}}.gz" >Name</a>

You should be able to concatenate strings with the add template filter:

{% with 'assets/flags/'|add:request.LANGUAGE_CODE|add:'.gif' as image_static %}
  {% static image_static %}
{% endwith %}

What you are trying to do doesn't work with the static template tag because it takes either a string or a variable only:

{% static "myapp/css/base.css" %}
{% static variable_with_path %}
{% static "myapp/css/base.css" as admin_base_css %}
{% static variable_with_path as varname %}

For what it's worth, I think this is the easiest way:

<img src="{% static 'assets/flags/'|add:request.LANGUAGE_CODE|add:'.gif' %}" ... >

This is and old question and I'm not sure if this method could be done back then, But now, in Django 2.0 this seems to work fine for me.

a cleaner way is to set the {% static %} as a variable from the beginning of the html so we can use it in any way we want.

{% load static %}
{% static "" as baseUrl %}
<img src="{{ baseUrl }}/img/{{}}"></img>