Django - Cascade deletion in ManyToManyRelation

I had this exact use-case today:

  • Model Author: can have several entries
  • Model Entry: can have several authors

For this, I'm using a ManyToManyRelationship.

My use-case was: if I delete the last entry of a particular author, then this author should be deleted as well.

The solution can be achieved using the pre_delete signal:

@receiver(pre_delete, sender=Entry)
def pre_delete_story(sender, instance, **kwargs):
    for author in instance.authors.all():
        if author.entries.count() == 1 and instance in author.entries.all():
            # instance is the only Entry authored by this Author, so delete it

I think you are misunderstanding the nature of a ManyToMany relationship. You talk about "the corresponding BlogEntry" being deleted. But the whole point of a ManyToMany is that each BlogEntryRevision has multiple BlogEntries related to it. (And, of course, each BlogEntry has multiple BlogEntryRevisions, but you know that already.)

From the names you have used, and the fact that you want this deletion cascade functionality, I think you would be better off with a standard ForeignKey from BlogEntryRevision to BlogEntry. As long as you don't set null=True on that ForeignKey, deletions will cascade - when the BlogEntry is deleted, all Revisions will be too.

As Of Django 2.0

The ForeignKey initializer now requires you to specify the on_delete parameter:

from django.db import models
from .models import MyRelatedModel

class model(models.Model):
    related_model = models.ForeignKey(MyRelatedModel, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

Simply use the clear() method to remove related objects since Django uses a through model to specify the relationships the clear method removes all related BlogEntryRevision

be = BlogEntry.objects.get(id=1)