django filter on APIView

To use the functionality of DjangoFilterBackend, you could incorporate the filter_queryset method from GenericViewSet, which is the DRF class that inherits from APIView and leads to all specific 'generic' view classes in DRF. It looks like this:

def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
    Given a queryset, filter it with whichever filter backend is in use.
    You are unlikely to want to override this method, although you may need
    to call it either from a list view, or from a custom `get_object`
    method if you want to apply the configured filtering backend to the
    default queryset.
    for backend in list(self.filter_backends):
        queryset = backend().filter_queryset(self.request, queryset, self)
    return queryset

Here If you are using APIView, There is nothing to do with filters.So you have to do like

get_data = request.query_params #or request.GET check both


Rental.objects.filter(city=get_data['city'], place=get_data['place'])