Do you know any opensource JQuery dropdown menu for telephone prefix?
Well, you need a database which contains all the details of the phone-numbers, then you need to query the database through Ajax, return the results via Ajax too, and display it. After getting the results, you can create a div or p element of your own, populate them with the incoming data, and display it. if you don't want to do that, use jQuery UI Autocomplete.
I also needed this, so I built it.
Here is a live demo.
It currently has the following features:
- In the country dropdown you can navigate by typing, or using the up/down keys
- Selecting a country updates the dial code of the entered number
- Typing a different dial code automatically updates the displayed flag
- Option to specify "preferred countries" (which appear at the top of the list)
I built it out of the following open source projects:
- Flag images and CSS from
- Country data from
- Formatting and validation from the wonderful libphonenumber