Does anybody know a good source of (free) ornaments, decorations, frames, backgrounds etc.?

Now with pgfornament.sty. The idea comes from the psvectorian package of Patrick Fradin and a lot of things are inpired from it. I added another package tikzrput to emulate the macro \rput from pstricks.

You can find it here


I made a new version of the example e02 from psvectorian that you can see in Herbert's answer. In this example I used the rputversion from pgf and some style to see how to fill the symbol.

enter image description here

\tikzset{pgfornamentstyle/.style={draw = Periwinkle,
                                  fill = SpringGreen}}   

   \rput(0,0){\Huge \color{MidnightBlue} Ornaments}%

Another example

enter image description here


\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={inner sep=0pt}]   
\node[text width=8cm,align=center](Text){%
In visions of the dark night\\
I have dreamed of joy departed-\\
But a waking dream of life and light    Hath left me broken-hearted.\\
Ah! what is not a dream by day\\
To him whose eyes are cast \\
On things around him with a ray \\
Turned back upon the past? \\
That holy dream- that holy dream,\\
While all the world were chiding,\\
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam\\
A lonely spirit guiding.\\
What though that light, thro' storm and night,\\
So trembled from afar- \\
What could there be more purely bright \\
In Truth's day-star? \\
 A Dream  (1827) by Edgar Allan Poe 
} ;
\node[shift={(-1cm,1cm)},anchor=north west](CNW)  at (Text.north west)
\node[shift={(1cm,1cm)},anchor=north east](CNE)   at (Text.north east)
\node[shift={(-1cm,-1cm)},anchor=south west](CSW) at (Text.south west)
\node[shift={(1cm,-1cm)},anchor=south east](CSE)  at (Text.south east)   

with the PSTricks package psvectorian you can create something like this:

enter image description here


\rput(0,0){\Huge Ornaments}


You can use web-o-mints and put variety of ornamental letters as borders. Some examples:

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
 \node[rotate=90,align=center] at ($(current page.west)+(.8cm,0.14cm)$){{\deco[DarkGreen]{15.1pt}{ NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN}}};
 \node[rotate=90,align=center] at ($(current page.east)+(-.8cm,0.14cm)$){{\deco[DarkGreen]{15.1pt}{ \rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN}}}};
 \node[rotate=0,align=center] at ($(current page.north)+(0.1cm,-.8cm)$){{\deco[DarkGreen]{14.35pt}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{0}
 \node[rotate=0,align=center] at ($(current page.south)+(0.1cm,.9cm)$){{\deco[DarkGreen]{14.35pt} {\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{\hspace{2pt}NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN}}}};
 \draw [rounded corners=8pt,line width=4pt,draw=DarkRed]($(current page.south west)+(.4cm,.5cm)$) rectangle ($(current page.north east)+(-.4cm,-.39cm)$);


enter image description here

Second example (with background):




\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
 \node[rotate=90,align=center] at ($(current page.west)+(.8cm,0.14cm)$){{\deco[DarkGreen]{15.1pt}{ \rotatebox[origin=c]{0}{LKIJLKIJLKIJLKIJLKIJLK}}}};
 \node[rotate=90,align=center] at ($(current page.east)+(-.8cm,0.14cm)$){{\deco[DarkGreen]{15.1pt}{ \rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{LKIJLKIJLKIJLKIJLKIJLK}}}};
 \node[rotate=0,align=center] at ($(current page.north)+(0.1cm,-.8cm)$){{\deco[DarkGreen]{14.25pt}{\rotatebox[origin=c]{0}
 \node[rotate=0,align=center] at ($(current page.south)+(0.1cm,.9cm)$){{\deco[DarkGreen]{14.25pt} {\rotatebox[origin=c]{180}{\hspace{2pt}LKIJLKIJLKIJLKIJ}}}};
 \draw [rounded corners=8pt,line width=4pt,draw=DarkRed]($(current page.south west)+(.4cm,.5cm)$) rectangle ($(current page.north east)+(-.4cm,-.39cm)$);
This is my text.

enter image description here

These take at least two compilation runs to settle down. Some manual adjustments will be necessary to get the finishing touch. (We call it procrastination ;-)). The background image N-00.png is here:

enter image description here


Another options that is not mentioned here is niceframe package.:



\scalebox{3.015}{\color{DarkGreen} %% green!30!red!80!blue!80
%             {\border\char'150}                  {\border\char'150}%
%             {\border\char'166}{\border\char'151}{\border\char'167}
             {\border\char'145}                  {\border\char'141}
\vspace*{1.145cm} %% Change this for vertical alignment
\vspace{44.8mm}} %% Change this for vertical alignment

enter image description here