Does Entity Framework Use Reflection and Hurt Performance?

Yes, it does like many other ORMs (NHibernate) and useful frameworks (DI tools). For example WPF cannot work without Reflection.

While the performance implications of using Reflection has not changed much over the course of the last 10 years since .NET 1.0 (although there has been improvements), with the faster hardware and general trend towards readability, it is becoming less of a concern now.

Remember that main performance hit is at the time of reflecting aka binding which is reading the type metadata into xxxInfo (such as MethodInfo) and this happens at the application startup.

Calling reflected method is definitely slower but is not considered much of an issue.


I have used Reflector to look at the source code of EF and I can confirm it heavily uses Reflection.

Answer for Issue 1:

You can take a look at exactly what is output by EF by examining the Foo.Designer.cs file that is generated. You will see that the resulting container does not use reflection, but does make heavy use of generics.

Here are the places that Entity Framework certainly does use reflection:

  1. The Expression<T> interface is used in creating the SQL statements. The extension methods in System.Linq are based around the idea of Expression Trees which use the types in System.Reflection to represent function calls and types, etc.
  2. When you use a stored procedure like this: db.ExecuteStoreQuery<TEntity>("GetWorkOrderList @p0, @p1", ...), Entity Framework has to populate the entity, and at very least has to check that the TEntity type provided is tracked.

Answer for Issue 2:

It is true that the queries are often strange-looking but that does not indicate that it is less efficient. You would be hard pressed to come up with a query whose acutal query plan is worse.

On top of that, you certainly can use Stored Procedures, or even Inline SQL with entity framework, for querying and for Creating, Updating and Deleting.


Even if it used reflection everywhere, and didn't let you use stored procedures, why would that be a reason not to use it? I think that you need to have your coworker prove it.

I can comment on Issue 2 about Generated EF Queries are less efficient than Stored Procedures.

Basically yes sometimes the generated queries are a mess and need some tuning. There are many tools to help you correct this, SQL Profiler, LinqPad, and others. But in the end the Generated Queries may look like crap but they do typically run quickly.

Yes you can map EF entities to Procedures. This is possible and will allow you to control some of the nasty generated EF queries. In turn you could also map views to your entities allowing you to control how the views select the data.

I cannot think of resources but I must say this. The comparison to using EF vs SQL stored procedures is apples to oranges. EF provides a robust way of mapping your Database to your code directly. This combined with LINQ to Entity queries will allow your developers to quickly produce code. EF is an ORM where as SQL store procedures is not.