Does Firebase Cloud Messaging support VOIP pushkit services?

This worked for me! Don't forget to add the Authkey_xxxx.p8 file in your directory and don't forget to add .voip to your bundle id in the notification topic.

export const test = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
    const config = {
        production: false, /* change this when in production */
        token: {
        key: "./AuthKey_xxxx.p8",
        keyId: "xxxx",
        teamId: "yyyy"
    const apnProvider = new apn.Provider(config);
    const notification = new apn.Notification();

    const recepients: string[] = [];
    recepients.push(apn.token('SOME PUSHKIT TOKEN'));
    recepients.push(apn.token('ANOTHER PUSHKIT TOKEN'));

    notification.topic = ''; // you have to add the .voip here!!
    notification.payload = {
        // some payload

    return apnProvider.send(notification, recepients).then((reponse) => {
        return response.send("finished!");

At time of writing (FirebaseMessaging 1.1.0/Firebase 3.2.0) FCM uses regular APNs underneath on iOS, so there isn't support for PushKit notifications.