Does Perl have an enumeration type?

Perl does in fact have an enum type like in C. Try this for details.

perldoc enum

For instance:

use enum qw(HOME WORK MOBILE);

Now we have:

HOME == 0
WORK == 1

You can also set the indices yourself:

use enum qw(HOME=0 WORK MOBILE=10 FAX);

Now we have:

HOME == 0
WORK == 1
MOBILE == 10
FAX == 11

Look here for more details.

Note that this isn't supported in every version of Perl. I know that v5.8.3 doesn't support it, while v5.8.7 does.

Perl doesn't support the concept natively but there are modules to add this functionality

Your way is more than adequate.

You can also create enums with Moose::Util::TypeConstraints, if you happen to be using Moose. (Which you should be.)

No, there isn't a built-in enum construct. Perl doesn't do a lot of strict typing, so I think there's actually little need for one.

In my opinion, the Readonly approach you used is solid.

There's also the more traditional constant pragma.

use constant {
    HOME   => 'Home',
    WORK   => 'Work',
    MOBILE => 'Mobile',

$phone_number->{type} = HOME;

Behind the scenes, it sets up a function for each constant that returns the value, like so.

sub HOME () { 'Home' }

I'd stick with Readonly unless you want to take advantage of that property, for example:

package Phone::Type;

use constant {
    HOME => 'Home',

package main;

print Phone::Type->HOME, "\n";


