Does Swift init(count:, repeatedValue:) work?
It seems that you have to explicitly pass in a Character type to it to function. This works for me.
let char = Character("a")
let string = String(count: 5, repeatedValue: char)
Although, there may be bug mixed in with all this as well. I believe the way you were doing this should have worked on its own. And I can't seem to get code completion on this initializer at all.
Edit: I'm going with bug. The following compiles just fine.
let array = Array(count: 5, repeatedValue: "a")
For the benefit of future searchers: as of Swift 3, use init(repeating:count:)
let sososo = String(repeating: "so", count: 3)
This works just fine :
var str9 = String(count: 5,repeatedValue: Character("c"))