dokuwiki: how can I hide media manager link from non logged in users

one way is changing the template like this: in /lib/tpl/dokuwiki/tpl_header.php:

                if ($INFO['isadmin']) {
                    tpl_action('recent', 1, 'li'); //recent changes
                    tpl_action('media', 1, 'li'); //media manager
                    tpl_action('index', 1, 'li'); //sitemap

Not exactly what you're looking for (and maybe a bit late anyway), but here's a way to disable the Media Manager link for all (including logged-in) users:

  • go to admin panel, Configuration Settings;
  • search for Disable DokuWiki actions (option name: disableactions);
  • in Other actions, add keyword media (see reference here).

Note that this will hide the link for everyone, but users with writing access can still launch the media manager by clicking on corresponding button when editing pages.

If no user is logged, $INFO["userinfo"] is empty

in /lib/tpl/dokuwiki/tpl_header.php replace

tpl_toolsevent('sitetools', array(
                    tpl_action('recent', true, 'li', true),
                    tpl_action('media', true, 'li', true),
                    tpl_action('index', true, 'li', true)


             if(!empty($INFO["userinfo"]))  {
                tpl_toolsevent('sitetools', array(
                    tpl_action('recent', true, 'li', true),
                    tpl_action('media', true, 'li', true),
                    tpl_action('index', true, 'li', true)

